Replication Gudang Garam Signature Ads With My Own Imagination
I was commited to my self, one day I will be a commercial photographer for world class brand. I think that is cool to become apart of a world commerce. Become 1, from thousand persons that is partisipate in global system of trade.
This was begun when I saw great commercial ads campaign. This ads come from Gudang Garam Signature. From the website, we can see that the Gudang Garam Signature cigarette is a classic kretek cigarette, combined with modern technologies and best tobacco mixed. I think this new brand is placed for young middle executive.
The ads directed by Dentsu Strat, photographed by Robby Agus, and Digital Imaging by Cak Ncop. From this picture we can see the symbol of masculinity, adventure, bold, and pursuit happiness. I love this ads, because it can stimulate my adrenaline. That picture is me. So, I want to make it too. I want to replicate this picture.
The ads directed by Dentsu Strat, photographed by Robby Agus, and Digital Imaging by Cak Ncop.
This begins with the picture of a man. The man in the picture that show boldness, wow… that’s so cool. Technically, we have to create rude texture in a face. Beauty shoot is not suits, that’s for girl. We got to use contrass lighting, like loop light or rembrandt light. I chose rembrandt light, because it’s so moody and it’s cool for man lighting.
I research some image in my hard drive, and combining to get the same atmosphere in photoshop.
So, one day in digital imaging, I get the result that satisfy me enough.