Photo Hits Insight Reach Millions Google Maps is a good feature offers by Google.Inc to everyone need visual data about a place. As we contribute so far, we got insight periodically about our photo hits: 4,000,000 view is huge. For some month ago, we begun our google maps campaign to help people get their data over maps. When we traveled to some place as we work, took a picture, retouched and uploaded to google maps. We glad people saw it, and we hope contribute more over our capacity in photography domain.
Dear our stakeholder.
Due to our customer service improvement, we announce that our old email address ([email protected]) have been moved to our new address ([email protected]).
We have moved our communication via email in roshvisual.com site through [email protected].
The older email address still can be used.
Hope this could be our positive improvement.
Thank you
300,000 Google Map Hits is Our Privilege Roshvisual have became photographer since 2013 professionally. As long as the time we have captured so many images in the journey. From learning lighting, get inti woods, and in the day of shooting. Some images that we got, sometimes worth to be collected by us. But, in December 2016 we have decided to share and contribute to Google Map. We want to contribute to society that may need some help to see a particular spot. Some pictures may not so good, but we believe it may help some people. And now, we get […]
Sejarah Singkat Penggunaan Kosmetik Penggunaan kosmetik telah ada ketika manusia mengenal peradaban. Banyak hal yang dapat menjadi sebab kemunculan kosmetik, tapi yang menjadi hal penting adalah tujuan dari penciptaan kosmetik itu sendiri. Secara umum kosmetik dapat diterjemahkan sebagai semua kegiatan yang berada dalam lingkup perilaku untuk memperindah unsur eksternal individu. Aktivitas ini dapat berupa pembersihan, pewarnaan, penghalusan, atau perlindungan pada kulit, rambut, kuku, bibir, atau mata. Penggunaan parfum juga termasuk dalam ranah kosmetik sebagai bagian dari definisi. Eksistensi kosmetik dapat dilacak pada peradaban Timur Jauh. Beberapa suku-suku awal peradaban telah menggunakan kosmetik untuk meningkatkan daya tarik personalnya. Study pada budaya […]
Roshvisual Studio
Jl. Angsana No. 21 RT4/4 Tritih Kulon
Cilacap – Indonesia 53233
Indonesia Furniture Photography & 3D Render All Rights Reserved ©2013-2022 Roshvisual