Revolutionizing Hygiene: The Role of 3D Rendering in Sanitary Design
3D rendering services stand out as a transformative force in the sanitary design industry
3D rendering services stand out as a transformative force in the sanitary design industry
Cirebon sebagai pusat furniture rotan di Indonesia telah di akui dunia sebagai kota dengan produksi rotan yang baik. Dalam data Kemenperindag, Tabloid Kontan mencatat bahwa penyerapan tenaga kerja di industri furnitur nasional sebanyak 101.346 orang pada tahun 2016 dan diproyeksi akan mencapai 202.692 orang tahun 2018. Sementara nilai ekspor furnitur nasional sebesar USD1,7 miliar dan dalam dua tahun ke depan ditargetkan mencapai USD5 miliar. Tujuan utama ekspor furnitur Indonesia adalah pasar Amerika Serikat, Jepang, dan Eropa Barat. Hal ini menunjukan furniture rotan Cirebon adalah industi yang padat karya dan memiliki potensi yang sangat besar untuk perekonomian. Untuk menambah daya saing […]
We did product photography since beginning of this studio born. We saw that, in our society there many photographer. They almost of all shooted wedding, portrait, or modeling photography. We thought that there must be a product photographer to push our society need.
Here we are. Roshvisual Advertising Photography to do that photography. Now, we want to share our work: cosmetic product photoshoot in generally.
You can do it by yourself if you want to make that image. This image made by combining photography and digial imaging. Photography plays role to capture the realistic product image, and the digital imaging to create surrounding effect ambience to support message want to cummounicated by our client.
Main ingredient of our cosmetic photo image was ordered product lighting. Cosmetic product has different material composition, material surface and shape. We have to understand about this issue. If not, we get trouble to deliver beautiful good photo product.
Some fundamental issue such as: rounded surface have to look round. Metallic surface have look shinny. Light and shadow is a must.
Some photographer don’t do photoshop editing. They see image must be as best as they are clicking. That is true. But when we need fast delivering image, we do photoshop imaging. Photoshop imaging is efficient in time.
Also, in photoshop we could create effect that is imaginative and surreal. This will make the product pops out.[]
Roshvisual Photo Collection
Roshvisual Studio
Jl. Angsana No. 21 RT4/4 Tritih Kulon
Cilacap – Indonesia 53233
Indonesia Furniture Photography & 3D Render All Rights Reserved ©2013-2022 Roshvisual